October 15, 2013

Time Flies When You're...BUSY!

The past six months have been a blur. Heck, the past year has been a blur. And what I really can’t believe even more than the fact the boys are one, is how much they have grown!

And I know every parent says that. But maybe I’m just a little extra blown away because they started out so extra tiny.



Or maybe what's really blowing my mind the most is how not-so-tiny they are now!



Crazy, right?! That's what has really been blowing my mind lately is to look at pictures we took from one year ago today (or on that given day), and compare them to where we are now. The boys were still in the NICU last year around this time. In fact they wouldn’t come home for two more weeks. Boggles my mind! 

Time moves differently once you have children. It becomes much more measured. I have always had an idea of what happened in a past year…but never something so measurable or memorable to compare it to. 

For example, last year at this time...

Everett had just been moved to his own open crib. And that was a BIG deal! 

See how tiny he was?!

Beckett had given oxygen the finger.  

Their first outfits from family – Nana and Granddad bought these for them



The boys first Halloween outfits!



Our first family photo!

Fast forward a year!

Family photo at the boys' birthday party

And this week the boys are:

Walking all over creation! And reading books, making animal sounds! Talking like crazy!

I have videos, but they won't upload. Of course. But here are a couple of pictures at least to get you by until the videos will work.



And plenty more pictures to come!

I just don’t know where the time has gone. I do know that we love these two more than life. 

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