September 5, 2012

A Mell of a Hess!!

Life at the Ormond household lately has been...well...pretty much chaotic! With summer coming to an end we've had family barbeques, birthday parties, friends moving to Hawaii, baby showers...It's been a busy few months. So, please excuse the mess...and the absence! 

But when your house looks like this...

It makes it VERY hard to get much of anything done, let alone update the blog. Especially when your friends are moving to back to Hawaii and you want to spend lots of time with them before they leave...and then they bring car loads of stuff and put it all over your kitchen, in any and every spare inch of space - making your house look like an episode of Hoarder's! :) (a little joke of ours)

Now, let me just say that our house does not normally look like this. There have been a few extenuating circumstances. Yes, the Ribao's brought us lots of stuff. And yes, the kitchen was completely cleaned before they did...BUT it might have been the only room in the house. Every other room in the house is still full of boxes and clutter while I reorganize and decide the most functional way to make room for these twins - and all the stuff that comes with them! Ahh, nesting.

But when your belly looks like this...

Week 27

Things move perdy dang slowly. Regardless of your intentions. 

So, yes, add this mess of a house on top of trying to get everything organized, put a nursery together, baby projects - it is no wonder at all that it is already somehow SEPTEMBER! Like already almost a week of September. WHOA! 

Slow right down time. That means these little nuggets could be here VERY soon. And they have had us worried more than once already that they want to come out sooner rather than later. Last Monday we were out having dinner with our dear friends the Ribao's (who today are on a plane, on their way back to Maui...*sigh*) when I got super uncomfortable. My belly felt like it was going to come right out of my throat. I tried to eat...but that wasn't helping. The discomfort got worse, and I started to realize it came and went...Oh hello contractions - that's what you feel like, a giant charlie horse all the way around my belly. 

Now I know contractions are normal at 28 weeks, Braxton Hicks contractions, preparing your body for the real deal...but these were happening a LOT. Like 9 of them in 45 minutes a lot! We called the doctor's office and they said come now! So we went to Labor and Delivery. Got hooked up to monitors and sure enough, contractions 5 minutes apart. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions, followed by a steroid shot to help the boys' lungs start developing quicker just in case. They also did a test called an FFN that tests for a certain protein that shows up when you are going to go into labor. It came back negative, meaning we had less than a 1% chance these twins would come in the next two weeks. Then they sent us on our way, told me to take it easy (no bed rest yet, thank goodness!) and to follow up with our regularly scheduled doctor's appointment on Sept. 6th (tomorrow!).

We were very glad the shot helped and that these babies will still be cooking a big longer. But still, talk about a SHOCK! Especially when the nurse told us if we could get six more weeks, they would be surprised, and SO grateful. SIX. Six weeks. Now, that number is FIVE. We knew they would come early, but to have someone tell you that if you can just get six more weeks makes it sound much, MUCH, MUCH sooner.

All of that planning I've been doing, all of those checklists...I'm pretty sure everything flew out the window at the sound of those two words...SIX WEEKS. Now it is just crunch time. Put things away, finish any and every project possible. The nursery unfortunately is one of the last things we will be able to do. The furniture will be on its way from Colorado with Grandpa and Nona soon though (YAY!!!!!!), and then I will be able to nest away - finding places for every last detail of baby needs. Plus we have one more baby shower on Saturday, so I'm waiting until after that to officially put things in their places.

So, consider yourself officially caught up for now. Yes, there was a Colorado trip, and yes, it was amazingly fantastic! But those pictures will have to wait. We got baby business to catch up on. Bring on the baby posts!!

Because I don't know about you, but this girl could use a break from this today...

Especially since my ankles are looking like this...

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