September 13, 2012

This GROWING Belly

As a lady of the pregnant persuasion...I tend to read a lot of articles or books on the subject. Today I got an e-mail that informed me over the next couple of weeks these babies will TRIPLE in size. T.R.I.P.L.E. Does that give anyone else a heart attack? Because I know exactly how big this belly feels...

29 Weeks

The idea of those nuggets tripling in size inside of that belly...oh man! It is already just about as tight as it can get! I have babies in my rib cage, squishing my bladder, pushing on my diaphragm...they are all over the place. 

But, they are pretty darn cute, so I will forgive them.


 Baby A's profile
The limb around the edge is Baby B's, 
we haven't decided if it is his leg or if the headlocks
 have started already! :)


Baby A's little face
Getting so big! And of course, always his little hand next to his face.

  Baby B's Profile
Love the pouty little look he's givin' us.

 Baby B
Again it was hard to get a frontal view of this lil guy, too many parts in front. The bumps right next to his nose are Baby A's toes. They love to kick each other in the head. Trust me, we've seen it!

I'm biased of course, but they're the cutest little nuggets I've ever seen! And I give them permission to stay in there for at least 4 more weeks. (That's what we are down to! How did that happen?!) That's what the doctors are hoping for. Realistically they could come anytime between the next 2-8 weeks, but the process has already begun. At our doctor's appointment last week, I was already dilating and 70% effaced. Translation: take it easy so these nuggets don't come too early!

Again, in case you haven't gathered this yet, taking it easy and I do not get along very well. There is so much to do still. House to clean and de-clutter, baby things to organize, laundry to do, projects to finish! 

Yesterday I ignored the whole "take it easy" directive and pounded out the nursery. It's not completely done since we still lack furniture, but everything is organized at least. All we have left is to put up the decorations. Then once the furniture gets here to finalize the layout.

It gets me so excited!! And then the contractions start and I remember why exactly I was supposed to be taking it easy in the first place. So today I'm on the couch, eating lots of cereal and popcorn (not necessarily at the same time) and watching Christmas movies. Because that's the kind of mood I'm in. Maybe tomorrow I will work on finishing those crib quilts...we'll see!

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