July 25, 2014


I. Love. Fireworks.

The End.

Ha. Okay, not really the end, but it is a statement powerful enough in my mind to make this post that short and sweet.  Fireworks are my favorite! I'm not even sure I love Christmas as much as Fireworks.  Which, for those of you who don't know, I loooooove Christmas!

So, July is one of the greatest months for living in Utah. Especially in Logan.

Some people complain or find it strange that Logan does it's fireworks on July 3, and lets the smaller towns do their fireworks and celebrations on the actual holiday. And it's true. It is really strange. But I've decided I am okay with it (because I'm sure after a million years of doing it their own way Logan was waiting on my opinion for that one)! It boils down to more days of fireworks!

And since Utah celebrates Pioneer Day on July 24, we can look forward to even more fireworks next week!!

See, living in Utah does have some perks. They're just not always the conventional ones.

As much as I have always loved fireworks though, there is just something even more wonderful about watching them through the eyes of little boys!

There is also something fantastic about seeing the amazement kids have for a flag. I love it. It makes my patriotic little heart happy inside. And to see these faces - that makes my heart happiest of all!

 **side note** Beckett thought throwing the flag was the most fun of all...so the pictures I got with just him are of his arm out, the flag flying across the grass...**

We had an awesome holiday weekend. For the fireworks on July 3, we went with our great friends to his sister's house just north of the stadium where they lit them. Tadd was convinced we could see the fireworks fine from our house that is about 5 miles away. Which I'm sure would have been true. And we could have avoided the crowds...but in some strange way the crowds and the traffic add to the magic for me. Tadd says it is because I am not the one driving! Silly hubby.

We were even lucky enough to both have the day off work for July 4! So we decided to experience the Lewiston parade. And I just have to wonder aloud - who has a parade at 9:15 am?! That seems like the most random time. Especially when I assumed it would be at 10:00, and discovered the actual time at 8:20 that morning! It takes a good 20 minutes to get out there, and we were all still in bed!!!

So we scrambled together and rushed our little family on out to the parade. Apparently all of Cache Valley was doing the same!

There were people EVERYWHERE! We lucked out and found a tiny spot in between two pickup trucks full of people that they were kind enough to let us squeeze in. The boys had a blast! What kid doesn't love getting thrown candy and marching bands?! Heck, I'm an adult and I still love it. Free Tootsie Rolls?! Yes please.

We followed the parade with the most un-American-celebrating meal of sushi and Chinese food! Ha! But man it was good! And the great company of our wonderful friends/neighbors definitely helped make it even better.

And what better way to celebrate the holiday than a family picnic for dinner?! We decided to brave the Lewiston fireworks - which took some convincing for Tadd to be willing to brave the crowds one more night. But we were so glad we went.

We got there a couple hours early to make sure we weren't fighting crowds to get a seat. And I will be honest, I worried about entertaining the boys until the fireworks started. So note to self, and a big hint to everyone else: NEVER underestimate the wonderfulness of the Dollar Store.

On our way out to Lewiston we stopped and I scoured the aisles for anything I thought might keep their interest for a few minutes. I got glow sticks, stickers, clapper noise maker things...but the winner of the trip: Magna Doodle!

These two were entertained for a good hour with these.

They loved drawing with them and then seeing them erased so quickly.

And, of course, what would a toy of theirs be without being turned into a phone?!

It was so fun to just spend time the four of us. Our boys are getting too big. Who said they could grow up into such big boys that can eat their dinner off their lap in a camping chair?!

And they have figured out you actually say "Cheeeeeeeeese" when someone takes a picture, so we are starting to get a lot of these smiles.


But, even if they are cheezers, they are still pretty darn cute!!

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