July 10, 2014

It's a Good Thing They're Cute!

After a post like that last one (here) - ranting about the craziness of our wonderful lil nuggets - you might wonder why we keep them around. 

I tried my best to convince you all that double the snuggles, double the smiles, the giggles and the kisses were enough. But just in case you weren't convinced their cuteness helps too!  

Here is a peak at some loveliness I put together for Father's Day this year. And not to brag...but these turned out better than I could have imagined! 



Those smiles! 

Those personalities!

They melt my heart.



But don't worry folks, it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine! This is how Everett REALLY felt about getting pictures taken that morning...

NOT happy!

So knowing the reality of these two being crazy always, how do you get them to hold still and take amazing pictures?! There's a big secret to it.

Wanna know what it is????


Thank goodness for technology! Give them the phone and have them hide it in the boot!!!


Thank goodness for amazing friends to help too. 

So yep, we will keep them! Double the snuggles from these cute kiddoes along with those smiles, their giggles and kisses...they make up for the crazy days.

Most of the time.

And for the days they don't seem to make up for it, there is the random "Lub You" combined with the smiles and giggles that definitely makes it worthwhile.

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