February 5, 2015

Secret Weapon

If you've every wondered how I manage with twins...the answer is quite simple.
Besides the fact I don't really have a choice -it's simply survival mode some days!

The reality is I have a secret weapon.

We call it...


This guy is amazing. Truly, I do not know how we would make it through a day without him.

Whether it is him picking up slack around the house - and he picks up a LOT of slack folks. He does dishes, laundry, garbage duty, bathrooms - yep, even the TOILETS!

Or sometimes it is the sheer fact he answers his phone at work for the seventeenth time in a morning to listen to me ramble about something completely unimportant. 

"The boys are so funny...."

"Oh they just did the cutest thing..."

"How the hell do I handle this?!"

"They keep hitting each other..."

"Please tell me it is 5 o'clock..."

"I didn't get a chance to..."

"Remind me later..."

He gets several phone calls in a day. And graciously gives his attention while I ramble to get whatever I need out of my brain. Otherwise, I just might go crazy. Literally. As a mom of twins, there is a lot to think about in a day. If I held it all in, I guarantee there would be an epic explosion. The kind with a puff of smoke and nothing but dust left of what used to be me.

He is supportive. You name it, he supports me in it. Simple as that.

I just kinda like him. Well, okay, not just kinda...I most definitely and completely think he is wonderful. As I read article after article on how marriages are hard work, or hear about miserable relationships, read about divorces...I find myself lucky. Totally and completely, incredibly lucky. 

Yes, he drives me crazy.

The dishes might not be as clean.

He doesn't fold laundry the way I do.

The vacuuming is only around objects on the floor instead of under them.

BUT, he does those things. Not many guys would be willing. Or willing to take on the kids most nights of the week - let alone TWINS. He is solely the bedtime guy at our house. Mommy is just a hindrance. They don't sleep at night for me. Only Daddy. Which truthfully breaks my heart some days...but then again, I'm grateful he is willing. Grateful for the great husband he is. Grateful. Just completely grateful.

He is an awesome secret weapon. The one weapon in my armory I truly couldn't live without. We could do without fruit snacks. Or candy. Or ice cream.  I could even handle a day without television. I might even go a day without Dr. Pepper. But a day without him, our life just wouldn't be possible.

So thanks, all, for reading a slightly mushy and gushy post. I just had to tell somebody besides him that I think he is pretty great! 

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