May 24, 2012

To Do Lists

When we found out we were expecting, I was thrilled! We found out it was twins, and as you all have read, it was a little lot of a shock. (Now we are just excited!!) 

But even since we found out we were pregnant, the planning bug got a hold of me! I bought a notebook and started making list after list. "To Do", "To Make", "To Buy", "Girl Names", "Boy Names", "Thank You's", "Nursery Ideas"....yep, within a few days that notebook was being filled right up with all of my crazy! I'm just a planner, what can I say. I don't want to forget anything, and I like to cross things off as I go so I feel like I'm accomplishing things - even if they are small.

So, in case you are wondering, YES, it is killing me not to know if these twins are boys, girls, or one of each. I have a nursery to plan, clothes to buy, blankets to make - baby projects GALORE! Still...we've got a while to wait. I'll just have to stick with my notebook of plans for a few more weeks until we find out.

That's not to say we are just sitting around planning and not getting anything accomplished. We've started trying to get things as ready as possible - within reason of course.

In fact, we've got a lot of things figured out already. The cribs - my fantastically amazing dad is making them! Yep! Making them. How cool is that?! Not only cool, but amazing, wonderful, and yes - the nuggets are already spoiled rotten! And he is dreaming BIG! These things are going to be the greatest cribs ever created! The two cribs fit together to make one big crib with a railing down the middle - and then will convert to individual toddler beds when they get older. Like I said - AMAZEBALLS, right?! What a sweet thing for them to have - pieces of Grandpa to grow up with.

And as if that wasn't amazing enough - he's making two dressers too! That convert into a changing table of course. Yep, he is incredible! The nursery furniture - CHECK! (Easy for me to say, I'm not building it! ha) I am SO excited for it though. But it is one less thing for me to worry about, and one more thing for me to check of our lists! Wahoo!

Another big thing to check off of our lists - Cars seats. CHECK! Plus a double stroller that the car seats will both fit into, and doesn't take nine years to break down or set up (because we looked at some of those!). CHECK! The best part, a twins discount and coupons to Babies R Us. Cha-ching!! I love saving money. It's pretty much my favorite thing to find a great deal. 

So yep, we are making progress. Lots of big ticket items checked right off those lists. True, I sorta wish we knew already and could get lots more checked off, but I'm grateful that we have gotten these things accomplished. It does help relieve some of the panic and anxiety. Thank goodness for that notebook that lets me put all of my crazy in one place! (Even if the crazy does overflow and Tadd gets the rest of it!) 

And I do have a new belly picture to post...but haven't figured out how to get it off the new camera yet! So stay tuned.

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