May 28, 2012

Hunger Games...(well, sorta)

I love food. It's no secret. I always have. Food and I have a great relationship. I see it, I eat it. That's pretty much it. Growing up I never really watched what I ate. Well, I take that back. I had food allergies that limited what I could eat, so I had to be careful which foods I ate - but never worried about how much of those foods I was eating. 

Being pregnant has only strengthened the bond that food and I share. Now, I love food more than ever, and I want it more than ever! Seriously, I am hungry ALL the time. ALWAYS! And when I eat, I eat like a freakin horse. On more than one occasion Tadd and I have gone to dinner and when I order Tadd looks at me out of the corner of his eye like Really? You are going to eat all of that?! And yep, I do. Sometimes even more.

One night, on a late night run to Wendy's after work I ordered 2 baked potatoes, 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers, and a 5 piece chicken nugget. Tadd gave me the look, and shrugged (probably thinking that when I didn't eat it all he would get to). But yep, we came home, and I downed it ALL. Every last bite. And don't worry, I was still hungry! So I had a very large bowl of Captain Crunch.

Things like that are becoming frequent occurrences in this household. And like I old times, I never really thought twice about it. Just chalked it up to being pregnant with TWINS! Until my mom told me to be careful not to gain weight to fast. That sobered me up. I looked at my rapidly growing belly and had a bit of a panic moment. 

You've all seen it. It's a growing!! And QUICKLY.


 13 Weeks

Now *disclaimer* I am not one of those pregnant people that will diet so I don't gain weight. Or will worry about the vanity pounds I will have to lose after the babies get here. But I did worry just a little since my belly has grown so fast. (And we don't have a scale at home, so I couldn't just check it out real quick.)

So when I went to the doctor on Thursday and of course first thing the nurse told me to step on the scale. With large amounts of dread I did as I was told.  Imagine my great surprise when she announced that I had gained.....

ONE whole pound. 
Yep. Since the last doctor's appointment I have gained a whole pound, for a total of 3 whopping pounds - which the doctor said is just perfect. Right on track. 

Then of course my brain starts thinking,  

Wait, if my belly is this big after one pound...And I have how many more to go?

35-40 in case any of you were wondering. That's how much people pregnant with twins usually gain. So yep, I am going to get enormous!!! Something to look forward to! :)


  1. hahah you are so funny! Let the countdown begin to when you find out what nugget A and nugget B are! YAYA

  2. You are so cute! Pregnancy can be so exciting! I love how much fun you are having with it!

  3. You are so cute! Pregnancy can be so exciting! I love how much fun you are having with it!
