June 5, 2012

Speaking of Food...

We have quickly learned with this pregnancy that if we gaive into every food craving of mine...we would quickly go broke and have no money in savings when the nuggets arrive! So, we made a pact that we will not eat out for dinners anymore! 

Yes, perhaps that pact lasted one whole day, and we were eating Dominos for dinner the very next night...but in our defense it was because we grocery shopped after I got off work at 9:30 pm and got done very late. Cooking didn't seem like an option at the time!

Since then, however, we have done SO much better! In fact, just to make you all a little jealous, we took a picture of dinner a few nights ago - it was just that delicious!

Steak, corn on the cob and potatoes all cooked on the grill! And a yummy salad to round it out. Mmmmmm!


And homemade orange glazed cookies for dessert!

Since our Dominos indulgence, we have done much better with eating at home. Tadd has been such a big help with that! He is great to cook dinner if I am working that night. I come home to fajitas sizzling on the stove, or a lasagna in the oven - yes, he is just that amazing! 

As long as he knows what I had planned for dinner, and a recipe to make it, he is amazing to just pitch in and help so when I get home late from work we can eat dinner together and I can crash on the couch while he cleans up.

It is no wonder that after a few days of home cooked meals my belly is looking like this:
14 Weeks

And just in case you wanted the up close view too!

Thank goodness for the world's best hubby! I sure am grateful I get to keep you forever. (Most days) :)

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